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PROFLEET® MIL-SPEC Recycled Antifreeze / Coolant is a fully-formulated coolant designed for use in heavy duty diesel engines. Antifreeze meeting this CID A-A-52624 requirements replace and are interchangeable with the following CID, and the two detail specifications for antifreeze used by the federal and military services: CID A-A-870A, MIL-A-46153 (Single Package, Heavy Duty, Inhibited Ethylene Glycol Antifreeze) and MIL-A-11755 (Arctic-Type Antifreeze). The General Services Administration has authorized the use of CID A-A-52624 for all federal agencies. CID A-A-52624 covers the requirements for automotive engine, ethylene glycol or propylene glycol antifreeze suitable for use in all administrative vehicles, construction vehicles and equipment, and all military ground combat and tactical equipment/vehicles.
There are three types: (I) Ethylene Glycol, Concentrated 100%; (IP) Ethylene Glycol, Prediluted 60% and; (II) Propylene Glycol, Concentrated 100%.
PROFLEET® MIL-SPEC Recycled Antifreeze / Coolant meets ASTM D6210 for Heavy Duty Engines and Commercial Item CID A-A-52624 and features a full charge of borate-based, nitrited heavy duty inhibitors to protect from liner pitting and corrosion. It is low in silicates and phosphate-free. PROFLEET® MIL-SPEC Recycled is compatible with SCA chemical filters and its formulation is recommended for use in Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel, Cummins and many other heavy duty diesel engines and is available as ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.
There are three types: (I) Ethylene Glycol, Concentrated 100%; (IP) Ethylene Glycol, Prediluted 60% and; (II) Propylene Glycol, Concentrated 100%.
PROFLEET® MIL-SPEC Recycled Antifreeze / Coolant meets ASTM D6210 for Heavy Duty Engines and Commercial Item CID A-A-52624 and features a full charge of borate-based, nitrited heavy duty inhibitors to protect from liner pitting and corrosion. It is low in silicates and phosphate-free. PROFLEET® MIL-SPEC Recycled is compatible with SCA chemical filters and its formulation is recommended for use in Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel, Cummins and many other heavy duty diesel engines and is available as ethylene glycol or propylene glycol.
Conventional Service Formula MIXES
PROFLEET® MIL-Spec Recycled Antifreeze / Coolant is available as a Concentrated or Prediluted mix.
Green or Fuchsia base
Ethylene Glycol or Propylene Glycol RECommended service interval
Every 30,000 miles or as appropriate when tested with the use of test strips. Longevity of 2 Years / 200,000 Miles with use of Type 2 SCA |
Best use
Heavy Duty Diesel Engines Needing to Meet CID A-A-52624. applications
PROFLEET® MIL-Spec Recycled Antifreeze / Coolant is compatible with SCA chemical filters and is recommended for use in Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel, Cummins and other heavy duty diesel engines.
Please contact us at 1-800-315-4467 to obtain information on compatibility with MIL-SPEC antifreeze products. Thank you! supply options
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Contact us at 1-800-315-4467 for more information or to speak with a Technical Specialist